51 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium quantum order at infinite temperature: spatiotemporal correlations and their generating functions

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    Localisation-protected quantum order extends the idea of symmetry breaking and order in ground states to individual eigenstates at arbitrary energy. Examples include many-body localised static and π\pi-spin glasses in Floquet systems. Such order is inherently dynamical and difficult to detect as the order parameter typically varies randomly between different eigenstates, requiring specific superpositions of eigenstates to be targeted by the initial state. We show that two-time correlators overcome this, reflecting the presence or absence of eigenstate order even in fully-mixed, infiniteinfinite temperaturetemperature states. We show how spatiotemporal correlators are generated by the recently introduced dynamical potentials, demonstrating this explicitly using an Ising and a Floquet π\pi-spin glass and focusing on features mirroring those of equilibrium statistical mechanics such as bimodal potentials in the symmetry-broken phase.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Disordered Chern insulator with a two step Floquet drive

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    We explore the physics of a Chern insulator subjected to a two step Floquet drive. We analytically obtain the phase diagram and show that the system can exhibit different topological phases characterized by presence and chirality of edge-modes in the two bulk gaps of the Floquet quasienergy spectrum, around 00 and π\pi. We find that the phase of the system depends on the mean but not on the amplitude of the drive. The bulk topological invariants characterizing the phases can be extracted by mapping the unitary evolution within a time period to an energetically trivial but topologically non-trivial time evolution. An extensive numerical study of the bulk topological invariants in the presence of quenched disorder reveals new transitions induced by strong disorder (i) from the different topological to trivial insulator phases and (ii) from a trivial to a topological Anderson insulator phase at intermediate disorder strengths. Careful analysis of level statistics of the quasienergy spectrum indicates a `levitation-annihilation' mechanism near these transitions.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Self-consistent theory of many-body localisation in a quantum spin chain with long-range interactions

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    Many-body localisation is studied in a disordered quantum spin-1/2 chain with long-ranged power-law interactions, and distinct power-law exponents for interactions between longitudinal and transverse spin components. Using a self-consistent mean-field theory centring on the local propagator in Fock space and its associated self-energy, a localisation phase diagram is obtained as a function of the power-law exponents and the disorder strength of the random fields acting on longitudinal spin-components. Analytical results are corroborated using the well-studied and complementary numerical diagnostics of level statistics, entanglement entropy, and participation entropy, obtained via exact diagonalisation. We find that increasing the range of interactions between transverse spin components hinders localisation and enhances the critical disorder strength. In marked contrast, increasing the interaction range between longitudinal spin components is found to enhance localisation and lower the critical disorder.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    Probing surface states exposed by crystal terminations at arbitrary orientations of three-dimensional topological insulators

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    The topological properties of the bulk band structure of a three-dimensional topological insulator (TI) manifest themselves in the form of metallic surface states. In this paper, we propose a probe which directly couples to an exotic property of these surface states, namely the spin-momentum locking. We show that the information regarding the spin textures, so extracted, for different surfaces can be put together to reconstruct the parameters characterizing the bulk band structure of the material, hence acting as a hologram. For specific TI materials like, Bi2Se3,Bi2Te3and Sb2Te3\text{Bi}_2\text{Se}_3, \text{Bi}_2\text{Te}_3 \text{and Sb}_2\text{Te}_3, the planar surface states are distinct from one another with regard to their spectrum and the associated spin texture for each angle (θ\theta), which the normal to the surface makes with the crystal growth axis. We develop a tunnel Hamiltonian between such arbitrary surfaces and a spin polarized STM which provides a unique fingerprint of the dispersion and the associated spin texture corresponding to each θ\theta. Additionally, the theory presented in this article can be used to extract value of θ\theta for a given arbitrary planar surface from the STM spectra itself hence effectively mimicking X-ray spectroscopy.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Locating topological phase transitions using nonequilibrium signatures in local bulk observables

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    Topological quantum phases cannot be characterized by local order parameters in the bulk. In this work however, we show that signatures of a topological quantum critical point do remain in local observables in the bulk, and manifest themselves as non-analyticities in their expectation values taken over a family of non-equilibrium states generated using a quantum quench protocol. The signature can be used for precisely locating the critical points in parameter space. A large class of initial states can be chosen for the quench (including finite temperature states), the sufficient condition being existence of a finite occupation-gradient with respect to energy for the single-particle critical mode. We demonstrate these results in tractable models of non-interacting fermions exhibiting topological phase transitions in one and two spatial dimensions. We also show that the non-analyticities can be absent if the gap-closing is non-topological, i.e., when it corresponds to no phase transition.Comment: 4.5 pages, 5 figures + supplementary material, version published in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio

    Anatomy of localisation protected quantum order on Hilbert space

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    Many-body localised phases of disordered, interacting quantum systems allow for exotic localisation protected quantum order in eigenstates at arbitrarily high energy densities. In this work, we analyse the manifestation of such order on the Hilbert-space anatomy of eigenstates. Quantified in terms of non-local Hilbert-spatial correlations of eigenstate amplitudes, we find that the spread of the eigenstates on the Hilbert-space graph is directly related to the order parameters which characterise the localisation protected order, and hence these correlations, in turn, characterise the order or lack thereof. Higher-point eigenstate correlations also characterise the different entanglement structures in the many-body localised phases, with and without order, as well as in the ergodic phase. The results pave the way for characterising the transitions between many-body localised phases and the ergodic phase in terms of scaling of emergent correlation lengthscales on the Hilbert-space graph.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, Invited article for J. Phys.: Condens. Matter special issue -- Emerging Leaders 202

    Fidelity, Rosen-Zener Dynamics, Entropy and Decoherence in one dimensional hard-core bosonic systems

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    We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional system of hard core bosons (HCBs) in the presence of an onsite potential (with an alternating sign between the odd and even sites) which shows a quantum phase transition (QPT) from the superfluid (SF) phase to the so-called "Mott Insulator" (MI) phase. The ground state quantum fidelity shows a sharp dip at the quantum critical point (QCP) while the fidelity susceptibility shows a divergence right there with its scaling given in terms of the correlation length exponent of the QPT. We then study the evolution of this bosonic system following a quench in which the magnitude of the alternating potential is changed starting from zero (the SF phase) to a non-zero value (the MI phase) according to a half Rosen Zener (HRZ) scheme or brought back to the initial value following a full Rosen Zener (FRZ) scheme. The local von Neumann entropy density is calculated in the final MI phase (following the HRZ quench) and is found to be less than the equilibrium value (log2\log 2) due to the defects generated in the final state as a result of the quenching starting from the QCP of the system. We also briefly dwell on the FRZ quenching scheme in which the system is finally in the SF phase through the intermediate MI phase and calculate the reduction in the supercurrent and the non-zero value of the residual local entropy density in the final state. Finally, the loss of coherence of a qubit (globally and weekly coupled to the HCB system) which is initially in a pure state is investigated by calculating the time-dependence of the decoherence factor when the HCB chain evolves under a HRZ scheme starting from the SF phase. This result is compared with that of the sudden quench limit of the half Rosen-Zener scheme where an exact analytical form of the decoherence factor can be derived.Comment: To appear in European Physical Journal

    Tunnel Magnetoresistance scan of a pristine three-dimensional topological insulator

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    Though the Fermi surface of surface states of a 3D topological insulator (TI) has zero magnetization, an arbitrary segment of the full Fermi surface has a unique magnetic moment consistent with the type of spin-momentum locking in hand. We propose a three-terminal set up, which directly couples to the magnetization of a chosen segment of a Fermi surface hence leading to a finite tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) response of the nonmagnetic TI surface states, when coupled to spin polarized STM probe. This multiterminal TMR not only provides a unique signature of spin-momentum locking for a pristine TI but also provides a direct measure of momentum resolved out of plane polarization of hexagonally warped Fermi surfaces relevant for Bi2Te3Bi_2Te_3, which could be as comprehensive as spin-resolved ARPES. Implication of this unconventional TMR is also discussed in the broader context of 2D spin-orbit (SO) materials.Comment: Version accepted in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications